Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Advantages of breastfeeding continued

I had to leave my daughter to travel after three weeks of age. I left her with my mum because the travelling was very essential and I could not go with her.So, I stopped breastfeeding her at three weeks! The rest was bottlefeeding. However, when I had my son, I decided to compensate for what I did not do for my daughter, so I breastfed him for 2 years. As I observe both of them growing, the difference is very very clear. My daughter is too independent. can only allow me to carry her for a few seconds but my son loves attachment, likes frequent hugs and likes so much to be curdled. I do not regret the journey I made that caused me to stop breastfeeding my daughter to early. I just wish I could sudstitute another thing for the bond. but the fact is there is a type of bond that breastfeeding does that bottle feeding does not do, so if you choose to bottle feed, please compliment with the breast.